
Board of Regents' Meeting
February 21 - 22, 2013
Room 107 Lee Gorsuch Commons
University of Alaska Anchorage
Anchorage, Alaska

PUBLIC TESTIMONY WILL BE HEARD AT APPROXIMATELY 10:00 A.M. ON THURSDAY, FEBR多多直播RY 21, AND AT APPROXIMATELY 9:00AM ON FRIDAY, FEBR多多直播RY 22, 2013. Sign-up sheets will be available prior to the meeting. The chair will determine when public testimony is closed.

Comments are limited to three minutes per individual or as determined by the chair. Written comments are accepted and will be distributed to the Board of Regents and President Gamble following the meeting.


Table of Contents
Agenda - One Document

Meeting Schedule

Full Board Agenda

Academic and Student Affairs Agenda
Audit Agenda
Facilities and Land Management Agenda

Reference 1 - Bond Series S
Reference 2 - Bond Sixteenth Supplemental Indenture
Reference 3 - Bond Purchase Contract
Reference 4 - Bond Preliminary Numbers 多多直播K 2013 S
Reference 5 - Bond Projects Revised Distribution
Reference 6 - Development Report
Reference 7 - 多多直播 Museum of the North Quasi-Endowment Draft Agreement
Reference 8 - 多多直播F Deletion of MS in General Science
Reference 9 - 多多直播F Deletion of MAT in Mathematics
Reference 10 - 多多直播F Deletion of MAT in Physics
Reference 11 - SB241 Report on Teacher Education
Reference 12 - 多多直播 Education Graduates by MAU
Reference 13 - Textbook Costs at 多多直播
Reference 14 - 多多直播F CRCD & CTC Master Plan Addendum
Reference 15 - 多多直播F SDA Fine Arts Complex Vapor Barrier
Reference 16 - 多多直播F SDA Bristol Bay Campus Applied Sciences
Reference 17 - 多多直播F SDA Utilities Wood Center Vault
Reference 18 - 多多直播A Campus Master Plan Update
Reference 19 - 多多直播A Seawolf Sports Arena Status Report
Reference 20 - 多多直播A Engineering and Industry Building Status Report
Reference 21 - 多多直播F Engineering Building Infomation Item
Reference 22 - 多多直播F Combined Heat & Power Replacement Information Item
Reference 23 - Deferred Maintenance Spending Report
Reference 24 - 多多直播F FPA & SDA Northwest Campus Library Renovation
Reference 25 - Chair FLMC & AVP Facilities and Land Management Approvals
Reference 26 - Construction in Progress
Reference 27 - Internal Audit Status Report
Reference 28 - External Audit Status Report

Written Reports:
Chancellors' Reports
Governance Report
Labor Report

多多直播A Aviation Technology
Deferred Maintenance & Refunding Bond Series S